The Male Brain: What’s Really Going On In There.
According to Lisa Diamond, PhD, an associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah, not only do female rats have more extensive brain circuits for oxytocin — which helps mammals to bond — than males but in humans, women show greater release of the neurochemical during sex (especially orgasm) than men. Also, biological anthropologist and Rutgers University professor Helen Fisher, PhD, notes: “The two brain hemispheres are less well connected in men than in women. This gives men the ability to focus on one thing at a time and be very goal oriented, whereas the female brain is built to assimilate many feelings at once, and to connect sex and love much more rapidly.” Interesting, plausible theories all, but Lucy Brown cautions that we’re still really just guessing. And in the end, the fact that men forever remain a bit of a mystery may be part of what keeps us intrigued.
I’m sure there’s a joke to be made here, but I’m not sure what. Ideas anyone?
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